Monday Morning Mojo
For the past 12 years I have been writing a bi-monthly blog to share with my staff updates, employee stories, new developments in our company, trends in our industry and more. The blog was titled, The Monday Morning Mail, and the greatest response I received was when I wrote about inspirational people and stories worthy of a wider audience.
In a climate where news is often depressing, I have found comfort in people I have met and/or have heard about that represent the world I want to live in. I am not avoiding the bad news, I just want to balance it with my daily dose of dopamine from positive news. That’s what I hope to deliver in the Monday Morning Mojo. I have loved sharing views and discussing content of this nature, and I hope to use this platform to do just that. Tune in and please share with me your inspirational stories too. The guest authors I have had have been very well received. I believe there are a plethora of stories that can be shared to provide balance to the world developments we have experienced of late. Enjoy.

How to Improve Your Odds in Life: Surface Area of Luck
“A desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world,” once cautioned the famous British fiction writer, John le Carre. While travelling beyond

“Moms Out There, You Are The Real MVP”
A Mother’s Vision In November 2020 I had the honor of meeting Shuping Zhao. Shuping is not someone most of the Monday Morning Mojo community

Advice For The Ages
Nearly 30 years ago I was sitting in a crowded conference room somewhere in Southeast Asia. The location is a bit blurred right now, but

“Seek To Understand” – Gaining First-Hand Experiences To View The World
I have been thinking a lot lately about the biases shaping our world views. One repercussion of the pandemic lockdown has been the isolation people

“Secrets to Eternal Happiness”
Paul Dresser, my elementary school PE teacher, then soccer coach and lifelong friend, knows the secret to eternal happiness. This guy is beloved by almost

One Mother’s Mission
Dear Friends, First, many thanks for all of the positive feedback on Issue #1 of the Monday Morning Mojo. This is definitely a labor of