A Movement of Humanity

While I have intended to make the Monday Morning Mojo apolitical, I have also worked to give light to inspirational stories I felt were worthy of a larger audience. Well, in just two weeks since my last post, the world has been turned upside down. No matter what platform you get your news from, witnessing […]

Family and Priorities

Well, amid the crazy news we experienced this past week, I have been looking for things that inspire me; stories from my memory worthy of a broader audience.  As war broke out in Ukraine, I was spending time with my family and that is always a lot of fun. Here are some pictures of me, […]

Hodgepodge of Stories that Inspire

Lots of celebrations of humanity for this week’s Monday Morning Mojo! Shout outs to my good friend Christophe Solomon from Beijing, a benevolent policeman in Skokie, Illinois, a salute to James Zwerg during this Black History Month, a treasure trove of Winter Olympic stories, and an innovative library from Denmark that deserves broader attention. Without […]

Gifts of Knowledge, Insight and Inspiration

On this Chinese New Year’s Eve, or the morning before Chinese New Year if you are in the US, I figured I would share a bit of love in this Monday Morning Mojo in the form of book recommendations that delight and inspire.  These come both from me and a few of the regular MMM […]

Critical Thinking For The New Year

For today’s Monday Morning Mojo to kick off 2022 and prepare for the Chinese Year of the Tiger, a bit more of a serious post. I believe one of the greatest threats to society today is the crisis of truth we are experiencing globally, and the proliferation of misinformation contributing to this. It’s time we […]

Pay It Forward In The New Year

Nearly nine months ago today, the Monday Morning Mojo went live. What began as a pet project at the request of a few former staff, “to continue the tradition of the Monday Morning Mail I used to pen for colleagues in Asia”, has turned into a discipline for me to look for the good out […]

In Celebration of Character

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” – John Wooden This quote spoken by the great college basketball coach John Wooden came to mind last week as I watched a nail-biting college basketball duel between […]

Giving Thanks

As we enter the holiday season, with American Thanksgiving behind us, I thought I would take a moment and share a list of things I am most grateful for. I hope you will indulge me in doing this, and perhaps there is a lesson or two in some of these for many of the Monday […]

A Man and a Mission

Stories That Inspire Since beginning the Monday Morning Mojo I have been asking family and friends one consistent question: “who inspires you”? The answers have ranged from Muhammad Ali to Bill Gates to Warren Buffett among other well-known personalities. Some people mention teachers and coaches who have impacted their lives in a personal way. Lee […]

Random Events That Give You Hope

I am two full weeks out of quarantine in Beijing, China and have been incredibly busy after being away for nine months. I love the pace of China and optimism here, and it seems around every corner is another opportunity. It has been great catching up with many old friends and colleagues. I have also […]