Year-End Inspiration From Poetry

The World Cup ended yesterday in dramatic fashion with Argentina winning the championship in penalty kicks. The beautiful thing about this tournament was many underdog teams provided delightful surprises.  There were also many great stories, some of which I highlighted in the last Monday Morning Mojo. Messi’s World Cup Dream As for yesterday’s game, what […]

World Cup Mojo – “Keep The Ball Rolling”

Well friends, as of this posting, we are midway through the World Cup and what a World Cup it has been! We’ve seen some very good football (soccer) and witnessed a lot of surprises. One friend commented how closely aligned world cup performance is with national pride, and I couldn’t agree more. Just watching tears of […]

Inspiration From Bureaucracy

Nearly 25 years ago I was working on an employee event for IBM, arranging for the then CEO, Louis Gerstner, to speak at an internal conference in Beijing. He was asked a question about IBM being “big and bureaucratic” and what were his views on the topic. He responded by explaining how some bureaucracies are […]

A Smorgasbord of Fun and Inspiration

To begin this week’s Monday Morning Mojo, I would like to say a huge thanks to my good friend and fellow MMM community member, Lilian Breton.  Lilian is the wife of my college roommate Homere, and she gracefully informed me that the poem on success attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, was first written by Bessie […]

Inspiration in the Form of Poetry, a Prescient Essay and Taking a Stand

For today’s Monday Morning Mojo, I have included a few items of inspiration which made their way into my consciousness this past week. Ralph Waldo Emerson Poem To begin with, I want to share a poem on the definition of success by the famous philosopher, poet, essayist and lecturer from the 1800’s Ralph Waldo Emerson. […]

Surviving Quarantine Part 2

I am happy to announce, by the time you are reading this, I will have completed my third extended quarantine in China.  This time 10-days in the luxurious suburbs of Beijing.  Doing this now three times, I have figured out a flow to get through the days.  A combination of eating meals, snacking, work, conference […]

A Helping Hand, A Touch of Modesty

Sitting in quarantine this past week in Taipei, Taiwan offered lots of time to think and reflect. Getting through the multiple quarantine’s I have experienced includes a regimen of eating, exercise, reading, work, television, and catching up with various people. Staying busy is the recipe to making the time pass quickly.  While I was in […]

A Time To Celebrate, A Time To Reflect

Well friends, this weekend I celebrated my 60th birthday, and it was a time of reflection, celebration and renewal. I have been thinking through the major milestones in my life over the past six decades, and if you will indulge me, I have listed them here: Six Decades of Luck Decade 1: Formative Years – […]

Fusion, Future & Family

A few years ago I was reading an article about the lengths Steve Jobs went to make sure people connected at Pixar Studios. I found an explanation referring to this. “[Jobs] insisted there be only two bathrooms in the entire Pixar studios, and that these would be in the central space. And of course this […]

A Little Compassion

Last Tuesday, the story of Isaiah Jarvis, who in the middle of the Little League Southwest Region World Series baseball game, got hit in the head with a baseball and responded with hugging the distraught pitcher who tossed the ball, appeared everywhere. If you are in the US, you probably saw this because it went […]