A Collection of Inspiration

For today’s Monday Morning Mojo, I want to share several things I witnessed the last two weeks, events I participated in, and a few people who have inspired me. The Dage (Big Brother) of China Hands To begin, I want to give a shout out to Jim McGregor, a friend from China who celebrated his […]

Inspired by Comedy…and Tennis!

Among my many passions, an affection for comedy ranks at the top of my list. I like all types of comedy and have even studied how such brilliant comedians practice their craft. Making others laugh is a great skill, and it is therapeutic as well. Everyone knows health studies show laughing is a great remedy […]

Inspired By Others

For today’s Monday Morning Mail, I am departing from writing about who and what inspires me this week, to share people who inspire many others who are close to me. Artistic Inspiration  I asked my wife Lisa who inspires her and Charlie Chaplin made it to the top of her list. She commented, “I have […]

Taking A Moment…

Amidst the 24-hour news cycle pre-occupied with the indictments of the former President of the United States and the son of the current President, I figured I would take a moment to celebrate some of the more positive things I have witnessed over the past two weeks. The Women’s World Cup The first is a […]

The Beautiful Game

Today’s Monday Morning Mojo is a tribute to all the women soccer players out there, the fans, spectators and anyone who enjoys big sporting moments. In Celebration of the Women’s World Cup For the past week I have been enjoying the Women’s World Cup being played in Australia and New Zealand, have loved how well […]

In Celebration of Great Bosses

Today’s Monday Morning Mojo is a tribute to a man who has been very influential in my life. His name is TB Song, he was my boss for more than 30 years, and he retired earlier this month as Chairman of Ogilvy Greater China. TB was one of the people who brought me to Taiwan […]

Reasons For Optimism

I have been in China now for the past 1.5 months and am feeling very optimistic. That may sound contrary to what you are hearing or reading about the US-China relationship, but I just listened to a Ted Talk from 2021 by Kevin Kelly, a brilliant thinker and Founding Executive Editor of Wired Magazine, where […]

In Pursuit of Your Passion

What is your passion and what are you doing about it? This featured topic of today’s Monday Morning Mail came to mind after I had a coffee with a former, very talented colleague who left his previous job and immediately went on to chase his passion. The colleague’s name is Kidd Huang, and he worked […]

Impact In Its Various Forms

Last month I was on a call with many accomplished communications executives to select Communications “Hall of Fame” candidates as part of an organization I am part of. In the evaluation process, one of the leaders of this group kept asking one question: “what impact has this individual had on our profession or their organization?” […]

Life Guided By Values

I have been wanting to write about values and their importance for some time now.  Nearly two months ago I attended a funeral of a friend from Beijing who was a model of leadership in the PR community, the Jewish community, and someone everyone looked up to for his advice. His name was David Wolf, […]