“Ideas that Inspire” – Part 1

In today’s Monday Morning Mojo, I am sharing a few ideas created by Ogilvy and others that were award winners at this year’s Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.  This is Part 1 of a two-part series where I will introduce some of the award-winning campaigns that have inspired me. In fact, there are five […]

Guest Column: Feeling Scared and Doing It Anyway

It is a great delight for me to have my daughter serve as my guest columnist for this week’s Monday Morning Mojo.  Here is her column: Dear Monday Morning Mojo readers, Firstly, a sincere Thank You for subscribing and reading the MMM! I know how much it means to my Dad and I’m grateful for you readers […]

Inspired by Perspective

When I was a kid, I grew up believing if I dug a hole deep enough, I would reach China. That was my earliest memory of anything related to China. Years later, I loved watching David Carradine in Kung Fu with my brother, Brian. Brian would always ask me to “snatch the butterfly” from his […]

Inspiration Through Curiosity

“The best thing you can do is be curious.  Get out of your comfort zone, travel the world, and look at things from a different angle.” This was the advice of Clay Dube, a colleague at the University of Southern California (USC), who has led the USC US-China Institute for nearly two decades, in a […]

Inspired by “Connections”

For today’s Monday Morning Mojo, I am sharing some random things I have read, seen, and experienced that inspired me.  A common thread is that most feature a theme of connecting, something I believe leads to greater happiness and success.  I hope you enjoy the read. Inspiration #1, comes from my good friend Josh Thomson […]

Wedding Inspiration

Once again, please forgive the self-indulgence here, however there are a few lessons from these past two weeks resulting from personal experiences I enjoyed. I have written a lot about the importance of community and communities in previous Monday Morning Mojos. One of my favorite posts includes the Ted Talk by Robert Waldinger about “What […]

It’s Never Too Late

It’s that time again when I dedicate the Monday Morning Mojo to inspiration coming from people who have many years behind them. I dare to say these are people past their prime, because it seems like many are hitting their stride well into their seventies, eighties and nineties. Peter Drucker and Pablo Picasso I have […]

Prom, Basketball, & The Environment– A Weekly Collection of Inspiration

Today’s Monday Morning Mojo is a collection of stories making their way into my consciousness I felt were worthy of a broader share. There is a lot of good happening out there that rarely makes its way into the news cycle. Say “Yes” To The Prom To begin, Warner Brothers. Discovery, Jackie’s employer, invited hundreds […]

Inspired by New Combinations

There is one book, written in 1965 by James Webb Young, I have recommended to anyone interested in public relations or any discipline within the marketing services industry. Actually, this book can benefit anyone who is interested in creating new ideas, or understanding how powerful innovations evolve. James Webb Young was a driving force behind […]

Inspired by Tradition and Exploration

The famous British-Irish spy novelist, John Le Carré, once remarked, “a desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world.” I used this quote many times in my earlier life to encourage younger colleagues to get out of the office in search of new connections and experiences. Well, Lisa and I did just […]