Dear Monday Morning Mojo Community,
Forgive me, but one final self-indulgent post before the end of the year.
Today marks 30 revolutions around the sun for Lisa and me, and it has been a very sunny existence (at least for me). Coincidentally it also marks 28 years for my daughter, Jackie. I am feeling very blessed and thankful for the life we have lived.
I am immensely grateful to have met Lisa some 33 years ago. It must have been destiny because two years before meeting her I hardly knew where Taiwan was. Needless to say, I am very lucky for having Lisa in my life.
At 28, Jackie is living her best life. I can’t express how proud I am she has followed my path into public relations. She is an excellent professional, and she is doing it in a field she loves, entertainment. Jackie is also an accomplished surfer, which seems to be her happy place.
Today’s post is an abbreviated one. With Thanksgiving in our rearview mirror and the New Year around the corner, I just want to say thank you to all of you who have made up the Monday Morning Mojo community this past year, and here’s to an even better 2025.
Congratulations!! Enjoy your holidays. I always look forward to The Monday Morning Mojo!!
Wishing Lisa and you many more revolutions!!!
And to your beautiful family, much happiness & prosperity 2025.
Blessed beyond belief. Love you, Daddy!
Happy Anniversary, Scott💜
Happy holidays to you, Lisa, Jackie, Samuel and Levi xx