Inspired by “Connections”

Scott Kronick

For today’s Monday Morning Mojo, I am sharing some random things I have read, seen, and experienced that inspired me.  A common thread is that most feature a theme of connecting, something I believe leads to greater happiness and success.  I hope you enjoy the read.

Inspiration #1, comes from my good friend Josh Thomson and a post he made celebrating his wife, Rebekah’s, successful donation of her kidney.  She had a match, and through her generous spirit and gratitude for giving, donated her right kidney to a friend and mother of three who was experiencing kidney failure.  Rebekah Thomson certainly deserves a Monday Morning Mojo callout for this wonderful act of kindness.

Inspiration #2, comes from something I learned about the Duke basketball coaching legend, Mike Krzyzewski, better known as Coach K, and a tradition that prevailed throughout his coaching career.

Apparently in 1980, the one dream of Steven Lee Mitchell, a Duke basketball fan who was born with Down syndrome, was to watch a Duke basketball game. His brother, who met Coach K through a construction project at his house, asked if he could get a ticket to a game for Steven. Coach K complied and gave Steven a ticket seated right behind him. That started a tradition of Steven writing to Coach K each year, and Coach K granting him tickets behind the team.  Well, Steven was the one person Coach K would recognize when entering the stadium, shaking his hand before each game. Here is an article I noticed last week about this wonderful tradition and a picture of Steven below.

Coach K

Inspiration #3 comes from another article I read last week, about Sam Salz, an Orthodox Jewish, 160-pound Texas A&M running back, who walked onto the team without any prior football experience. Salz succeeded through sheer determination, pursuing a dream and making sure he made the right connections along the way. This is really an inspiring story about true grit, and I hope you enjoy hearing about his journey as much as I did.

Sam Salz

Inspiration #4 comes from the reminder to look at things from different perspectives. I have seen this poem a few times, appreciate the message and think it is worthy of a broader share.  Enjoy!

Inspiration #5, for those that have the time, is to listen to Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford Commencement Address.  Given that this is graduation season and many commencements have been canceled, I thought I would share one of my favorites. Jobs advice to the students was to “connect the dots” in life, and “search for your true passion”, and I found this most inspiring.

I hope these stories, and items, inspire you as much as they did me this past week, and thank you for being part of this community.

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9 months ago


Muffy MacKenzie
Muffy MacKenzie
9 months ago

Thanks for the inspiration
today! This is my fav commencement speach from Maria Shriver… worth a listen to!

Joyce Beach
Joyce Beach
9 months ago

Thank you Scottie and Steve Jobs for reconfirming the importance of staying hungry and foolish. Looking back, connecting the dots, admittedly not by intention but by happenstance, at 86 years old, I am hungry and still foolish.
I’m going to see what Maria Shriver has to say.

9 months ago

Love being in the MMM Community – I feel so lucky!

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