It’s Never Too Late

Scott Kronick

It’s that time again when I dedicate the Monday Morning Mojo to inspiration coming from people who have many years behind them. I dare to say these are people past their prime, because it seems like many are hitting their stride well into their seventies, eighties and nineties.

Peter Drucker and Pablo Picasso

I have written before about the famous management guru, Peter Drucker, who penned many of his classic management books after the age of 65. In fact, he wrote a dozen books before he was 65, and 25 more after.  And, at age 87, Pablo Picasso was known to have produced 347 engravings in one year.

A Stunt Pilot at 90

I was reminded of amazing feats of the elderly after a childhood friend, Scott Benjamin, and his girlfriend, Marnie, visited us earlier in the week. Marnie told us about her father, who is in his 90’s and builds and flies his own planes. In fact, he has been known to experiment with rollovers and more tricks well into his 90s.

Hometown Heroes

At the same time, I was given a manuscript of a novel by my former neighbor and Monday Morning Mojo reader, Joyce Beach. Mrs. Beach is a most memorable person from our neighborhood, and she has remained in touch all these years. She spent time in China and wrote a suspenseful novel that is peppered with many of her memories there. Congratulations Mrs. Beach.

The Boss

Further emphasis came from attending a Bruce Springsteen concert this past weekend. The Boss performed for nearly 3½ hours to a sellout crowd. It was a great concert, and most inspirational is that a few of his original band members are still there. Steve Van Zandt, Little Stevey, was brilliant, and so was guitarist, Nils Lofgren, and the drummer, Max Weinberg.  All of these musicians have been with him from nearly the start. I also loved learning that the fantastic saxophonist, Jake Clemons, filled in as the leading saxophonist for the band for his uncle, Clearance Clemons, after he died. Sharing here a clip from the concert I found online of Bruce singing with his wife, Patti.

A Word From A Centenarian

Leaving you with a clip of a discussion the Rich Roll podcaster had with Mike Freemont, a 100-year-old, who at the age of 83 qualified for the Boston Marathon. He broke national US records for his age category through his 80s, where the categories are five years periods. He mentions on this clip that he believes he is #1 now in his age group, having few other competitors.

Here’s to hoping everyone in this community has yet to hit your stride.  Wishing you a great week ahead.

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Joyce beach
Joyce beach
11 months ago

Holy cow, Scott!!! Thank you for including me and for sticking me in between Picasso, a 90 year old stunt pilot and the Boss!
In my wildest dreams who could have imagined Nanbru would live on this way.

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