Stretching Yourself Towards Success

Scott Kronick

For this week’s Monday Morning Mojo I want to touch on the subject of getting out of your comfort zone as a means to greater happiness and success. This has been top-of-mind with me this week because I have been trying to do just that. I can’t say I am any closer to success, but I have begun a few things recently that are uncomfortable and have challenged me. I will share those here.

Getting Out of My Comfort Zone

Yesterday, I completed my second class in improv comedy. I am not the oldest student (close though), yet I am clearly the worst. No biggie as this is all a great experience. I do find this a challenge and I am committed to continuing. For anyone interested in comedy, public speaking or just thinking fast on your feet, improv is a great brain exercise. I have also tried playing the saxophone this past year. I am probably worse at the sax than I am at improv, but again it is all a new experience. And finally, I have been doing hot yoga for about two years, and I am getting close to touching my toes. I am certainly at the bottom of the class at this yoga studio, but it does help with a good sweat in the morning and a “stretch” of a different nature.

I am not sharing all of this to brag, but rather to encourage my family and friends to identify things that interest you and do something about trying them out. Personally, I don’t have great ambition for any of these areas, but it has opened my mind to things I have never done before. I have found myself dissecting comedy and looking for a particular skill, I am listening more to jazz and can identify certain notes, and I now understand what a “downward dog”, “child’s pose” and “warrior” is. For those that know yoga, I have perfected the “child’s pose”!

I do feel refreshed and energized when doing these activities, and I wanted to suggest to the Monday Morning Mojo readership to try something that interests you for yourself.

One Personal Story

There is a lot of literature on “getting out of your comfort zone” towards personal development online, however this Ted Talk video, by a young, Chinese personal growth consultant does a good job of explaining this. If you have a moment, listen to Yubing Zhang tell her story about getting out of her comfort zone.

Upcoming Podcast

Moving to Asia in my late twenties changed my life forever, and travel and working overseas offers other ways to get out of your comfort zone. I am sharing here a quick video my friends Bryce Whitwam and Ali Kazmi prepared for a podcast I did with them on my China experience. That Podcase will launch next week and I will share it then.

Wishing you all a great week ahead.



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Jaime FlorCruz
Jaime FlorCruz
2 years ago

Good theme, Scott. Taking up a new hobby or avocation is a good idea especially for people who have retired (like me) or those in mid career sabbaticals. It helps prevent mental and physical atrophy and, sometimes, inspire us onto new paths. No matter how clumsy or poor we end up working outside our comfort zone, we should always find fulfillment and bliss. Stay well!

Jim Gradoville
Jim Gradoville
2 years ago

Well done, Scott. I enjoyed hearing about your improv and sax playing – well done; keep it up abd stay young. The Ted video is excellent and I’m sharing it today with my daughter. I’m also considering the boundaries and constraints I’ve built-up in my life. Time to take another plunge. Thanks, Brother!

2 years ago

A thought provoking read! Keep it up I am loving my Monday morning mojo‼️‼️‼️

JeanAnn Nichols
JeanAnn Nichols
2 years ago

Trying something new with a beginner’s mind keeps us humble and grows our empathy – for ourselves and others!

Jennifer Doane
Jennifer Doane
2 years ago

This is something I want to be better at. I’m a play it safe person so this is a challenge. Thanks for the encouragement!

Daniel M. Krassenstein
Daniel M. Krassenstein
2 years ago

You have once again re-motivated me with your Mojo.
I’ll be doing yoga tonight!

Mitch Presnick
Mitch Presnick
2 years ago

Bravo Scott! I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this subject. Always a great idea to challenge ourselves by learning new skills which pull us out of our comfort zones. Not to mention the discipline required to write a weekly piece. Luo Guanzhong would be proud!

Ashley Howlett
Ashley Howlett
2 years ago

That’s brilliant Scott and thanks for sharing. I’m inspired and looking to stretch myself some more, so this came at the right time. It’s been a long time between drinks but I hope you and the family are doing really well.

Richard Robinson
Richard Robinson
2 years ago

Loooove that you’re working on “Yes… And” through improv, my friend!

Jenna Zorn
2 years ago

I spent my first 48 years living inside my comfort zone…always wanting to do and experience many things, but holding back due to fear. The best thing we can do is to teach the younger generation to embrace their fears, and push beyond their comfort zones. I think I might just see if there is an Improv class for me here in Naples, FL! You continue to inspire all of us, Scott! Thank you!!

Ricia Scharf
Ricia Scharf
2 years ago

I always love reading your Monday Morning Mojo’s Scott, especially, this time actually seeing your handsome face on the video podcast. You have always yearned to learn. Proud of you , nephew Scott.. keep it up. Ricia👍❤️👏

2 years ago

Looking forward to the podcast Scott! it’s my thing now to listen to when i take my daily walks or can’t sleep at night..:) . So i welcome new interesting content. And I love the child’s pose in pilates. ^~^. ..S

Sergio B Damasceno
Sergio B Damasceno
2 years ago

Hahaha! Very amusing to read about being the last in class. It is of no consequence at all as we know. It often amuses me to find how completely ignorant I am of so much when at 76 I’d think I knew something. I’m looking forward to reading more about your exploits.

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